strengthen your board with independent directorship expertise

As stakeholders increasingly demand greater board oversight, companies are under increasing pressure to comply with corporate governance codes and best practices.

In this context, the role of the independent director has evolved significantly over the years and has become a profession in its own right. Independence is a critical element of corporate governance that adds significant value to organisations. Independent directors offer an unbiased perspective, positively challenge decision-making processes and provide valuable insights into best practice through their broad exposure to different operating structures.

Effective boards are made up of a diverse range of skills and backgrounds. Appointing the right independent director ensures that the board covers all the necessary areas of expertise, seniority and experience.

our independent (non-executive) director (iNED) services include

1. governance oversight

  • ensuring the entity adheres to legal and regulatory requirements
  • monitoring the implementation of corporate governance best practices

2. strategic guidance

  • providing independent advice on the entity’s strategic direction
  • challenging and contributing to the development of business strategies

3. ethics and compliance

  • promoting ethical behavior and corporate social responsibility
  • ensuring compliance with corporate policies and ethical standards

4. risk management

  • overseeing risk management processes
  • ensuring the entity has appropriate internal controls in place

5. committee participation

  • participating in committee meetings
  • overseeing reporting and processes

6. performance monitoring

  • evaluating the performance of executive directors and the board
  • reviewing financial performance and other key metrics

Why us?

Bastian Schwind-Wagner

Bastian Schwind-Wagner

  • Expertise: Bastian has extensive knowledge and more than 20 years of experience in the Luxembourg regulatory landscape, consistently adhering to the latest regulations and code of conduct standards.
  • Independence: Bastian maintains independence by dealing with service providers and managers at arm’s length. This ensures that the interests of investors are paramount and that all arrangements are made at arm’s length.
  • Local substance: Having an independent director is critical to local substance. Bastian provides a local presence, fostering relationships with the local financial industry, market participants and regulators.
  • Availability: Bastian deliberately limits the number of mandates he accepts to ensure high quality work, sufficient time for each mandate, timely response to client needs and minimised potential for conflicts of interest.

Get in touch with us!

Would you like to know more about our independent directorship (iNED) services? Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation.